Are you based in Belgium? Do you have a commercially viable idea? Do you want to grow your business? We're here for you! Check out the application steps of our programme and launch your business to new heights.
Let’s get started!
The Activity Pitch Questionnaire (AQP) allows you to present your business idea in a reduced, standardised pitch. Like this, ESA can quickly take informed decisions on next steps, pointing you to the most appropriate activity stream in case the APQ is considered acceptable (e.g., additional preparatory work, training, teaming up with some other partners, go ahead targeting a Feasibility Study or a Demonstration Project).
What do we need to understand?

The company
that is applying

The product/
service you propose

The reason
behind your

Your plan
to execute
the project
Use at least one space asset (i.e., SatCom, Earth Observation, SatNav, Human Spaceflight technologies and other space assets).
Develop commercially viable & sustainable space-based applications by linking user needs to corresponding solutions, by incorporating space assets ready to be used, or requesting only limited technology adaptations.
Demonstrate to users & stakeholders that the proposed solutions work in their operational environment and are compatible with their operational practices.
Show that your company is capable of executing the project you propose through your past experience and/or accomplishments.
The outline proposal is expected to contain a more elaborate description of your project (feasibility studies or demonstrator projects). This document is sent to ESA experts in the field to assess whether the project is realistic and that your company has the expected grasp on the necessary aspects surrounding your proposed approach.
Dive deep in four core aspects of your project for the outline proposal

summary &

& their

& service

aspects of the
Include an in-depth description of the space-enabled service or product with a detailed overview of the used space assets and the space technology rationale as well as background information on the company/consortium.
Provide an overview of the expected customers/users and their needs. Providing a business model, customer/user segments and their respective pains & gains.
Demonstrate your service/product viability by showing its value proposition and performing a high-level market analysis (size, competitive landscape), and define a roadmap of your project.
Describe the Implementation aspects of your project Show a team structure, service architecture, approach, assess the (non-) technical risks and provide an overview of the estimated budget.
In parallel with the Outline Proposal step, a Letter of Support (also called Letter of Authorisation) must be received from BELSPO by the applying company/consortium. Thus far, the process has focused on informing ESA. The LoS, shows ESA that your national delegation approves your project.
The LoS is a document signed by the national JCB Delegate (at BELSPO) showing that at national level you have support for your project.
Combined with the Full Proposal, the Letter of Support shows the project’s suitability for the ARTES programme and the support from the national delegation (BELSPO) to ESA.
To get the LoS, the company must present the contents of their Outline Proposal, the expected budget (PSS forms), and signed Letters of Interest from potential users or customers (if they have any).
To receive a Letter of Support, a presentation meeting will be organised with BELSPO by the Ambassador, which will happen at the BELSPO headquarters or online with the Belgian JCB Delegate. The company (and consortium members, if any) will present their project to the JCB Delegate.
The full proposal will include a fully detailed description of the various points addressed in the Outline Proposal: project rationale, the business case, the space assets used, customers, product/service viability, etc. With stronger focus on the technical architecture of the proposed project, as well as a more detailed financial proposal. Two additional aspects of the project are expected to be presented in the full proposal:
1. Management & Administrative Proposal:
Company experience, key personnel (CVs), facilities, study organisation, travel & subsistence plan, etc.
2. Contractual Proposal:
Compliance with contract conditions, Insurance waivers, and Statement relating to Export Import Licenses, etc.
Showcase that the company has the necessary resources in terms of personnel and facilities to execute the planned project in the presented timeline, work packages, and organisation.
Ensure that the company (and consortium if applicable) is compliant with ESA contract conditions. The company will need to provide additional documentation for ESA to validate this is the case.

It’s time for the signature of contract with ESA for the co-funding agreement and collaboration
The competitive calls for tender are specifically centred around a thematic proposed by ESA and have deadlines for the Full Proposal submissions. You should come up with an idea for a demonstration project or feasibility study that is closely related to the published thematic published.
Prior to submitting the Full Proposal, a Letter of Support (also called Letter of Authorisation) must be received from BELSPO by the applying company/consortium.
The LoS, shows us that your national delegation approves your project.
The LoS is a document signed by the national JCB Delegate (at BELSPO) showing that at national level you have support for your project.
Combined with the Full Proposal, the Letter of Support shows the project’s suitability for the ARTES programme and the support from the national delegation (BELSPO) to ESA.
To get the LoS, the company must present the contents of their Outline Proposal, the expected budget (PSS forms), and signed Letters of Interest from potential users or customers (if they have any).
To receive a Letter of Support, a presentation meeting will be organised with BELSPO by the Ambassador, which will happen at the BELSPO headquarters or online with the Belgian JCB Delegate. The company (and consortium members, if any) will present their project to the JCB Delegate.
The full proposal will include a fully detailed description of the various aspects of your project: project rationale, the business case, the space assets used, customers, product/service viability, etc. With strong focus on the technical architecture of the proposed project as well as a detailed financial proposal.
1. Management & Administrative Proposal:
Company experience, key personnel (CVs), facilities, study organisation, travel & subsistence plan, etc.
2. Contractual Proposal:
Compliance with contract conditions, Insurance waivers, and Statement relating to Export Import Licenses, etc.
Showcase that the company has the necessary resources in terms of personnel and facilities to execute the planned project in the presented timeline, work packages, and organisation.
Ensure that the company (and consortium if applicable) is compliant with ESA contract conditions. The company will need to provide additional documentation for ESA to validate this is the case.

It’s time for the signature of contract with ESA for the co-funding agreement and collaboration